FGI Not Currently Applicable to Behavioral Health Homes

No FGI Review for Behavioral Health Homes in Colorado

On January 3, 2024, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (“CDPHE”) conducted an FGI Plan Review update. One of the many significant items discussed in the meeting was that FGI review will not be conducted by CDPHE for homes Behavioral Health homes in Colorado. Moreover, at this point, Colorado’s new Behavioral Health Administration has not adopted FGI standards for application to Behavioral Health homes. That is very good news because, among other reasons, there can be a significant delay i completing the FGI review. Often 5 months or more, provided there are no errors in the application.

A Quick Refresher on FGI

“FGI” in the context of assisted living homes and other health care facilities refers to the "FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities,” a national standard document that provides minimum standards for the planning, design, and construction of health facilities to ensure patient safety and functionality. You can read more about how FGI applies to assisted living homes in Colorado here.

While this article deals with FGI and Behavioral Health homes, we have recently given a detailed update on the January 3, meeting that you can read here.

How to Find Out More

The Department has provided a link to the video recording of the briefing which we are sharing here.

The information herein is intended to be educational and an introduction to the subject matter presented. Despite any statutory or regulatory references cited in the article above, it is NOT specific legal advice to be relied upon for specific individual circumstances. Contact your own legal professional or reach out to our firm if you would like specific advice on this topic.

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